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Descarga gratis las topoguías y guías digitales de viaje, mapas de ruta y folletos del Camino del Cid


En esta sección podrás descargarte gratuitamente algunas de las topoguías, folletos, mapas y guías de viaje que editamos digitalmente. Recuerda que toda la información la encontrarás en el apartado web de cada una de las rutas según quieras recorrer el Camino del Cid: andando; en bicicleta BTT por senderos y caminos rurales; en bicicleta por carreteras secundarias; y en coche o moto.

Rev. ALC.: 17.09.19


The Way of El Cid -Camino del Cid- is a unique opportunity to cross Spain through quiet, safe and natural areas while learning about the country's history and customs in a way you had never imagined. Here you can download our official topoguides and travel guides. They contain technical and practical information, a description of the route, maps, gradients, difficulty, stamping points and relevant milestones, etc.

Remember that all the information required for your trip -guides, tracks, general info, list of accommodation, signposting, etc.- is available in the specific webpage of each route depending on the way you want to travel: hiking; cycling mainly along trails and non asphalted rural roads (MTB bikes); cycling by tourist bike along minor roads; and by car or motorcycle.

ALC. 21.05.18
