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Equestrian statue of El Cid and the bridge of San Pablo

El Cantar de mío Cid fue escrito un siglo después de la muerte del Cid, y mezcla hechos reales con otros inventados para dar lugar a un personaje literario muy potente: el Cid Campeador que ha llegado a nuestros días. En la imagen: la estatua más fotografiada de la ciudad de Burgos es esta del Cid, obra del escultor Juan Cristóbal / ALC.

Plaza del Cid Burgos

This is clearly the most famous statue of El Cid, though it is not the most faithful recreation of the warrior, as it contains several visible anachronisms. The statue, which pays tribute to El Cid, is a work of Juan Cristóbal. As a triumphal gesture, El Cid is brandishing his sword, called Tizona, which points towards Valencia. El Cid clutches the reins of Babieca in his left hand, a gesture symbolizing that his master died owing to war injuries, but not while at war.

The statue, which was unveiled in 1955, is accompanied by a courtship of statues relating to the history and/or myth of El Cid. These series of statues, which are the work of Joaquín Lucarini, were all built in the same period. The statues on the bridge include the following landmark figures related to El Cid: his wife Jimena and his daughters, who are represented as two doves; San Sisebuto, the abbot of San Pedro de Cardeña; Abengalbón, Cid’s Muslim vassal and friend from Molina de Aragón; the bishop of Valencia, Jerónimo de Perigord; Diego, El Cid’s son, who died at the battle of Consuegra in 1097; Martín Antolínez, a man from Burgos; Martín Muñoz, the count of Coimbra; and Álvar Fáñez, El Cid’s nephew and most loyal vassal—at least in the eyes of the poet of El Cantar.

At the end of the bridge, the curious visitor will notice that one of the lamp posts at the right bears the image of a bird: a cock-crow. This is one of the characters mentioned in the first lines of El Cantar, which is included in the text as a good omen for travelers in their way to Valencia.

Rev. PAB 26.12.18
