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Eleven signposted routes to travel across Spain on foot, by bicycle, by car or motorbike


Choose your route in accordance with the number of days you have available and your preferred means

Here you can select the Way of El Cid route you prefer in accordance with the number of days you have available and your chosen means of transport. Remember that the routes are interconnected so you can make your journey as long as you wish.



Medinaceli, Soria.Medinaceli, Soria.Routes signposted for walkers that mainly follow countryside paths, tracks and trails.


Mountain bike cyclists

Alcozar, SoriaAlcozar, SoriaThe MTB Routes follow the hiking trails and signs, except in those sections specifically designated for MTBs, which have their own signposting system.


Cycle tourism generally on secondary roads with little traffic

Santuario Virgen de la Hoz, GuadalajaraSantuario Virgen de la Hoz, Guadalajara


Cars, motorbikes and other motor vehicles; recommended route duration

Bocairent, Valencia.Bocairent, Valencia.

Rev. ALC: 18.10.18
