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Corporate image

Our corporate image features three key elements that are inherent to the essence of the Way of El Cid Consortium.


  • The image shows a mature Cid with beard, handsome features and a serene, firm gaze.  It refers to the mythical elements incorporated into “El Cantar”. This man embodies the honour and royalty, perseverance and strength of character shown by the men in “El Cantar” in the face of adversity.
  • The Way of El Cid is the essence of the whole Consortium project. The lettering gives shape to the Way’s legendary and most relevant aspects.
  • “Ego Ruderico” in Latin means “I, Rodrigo”, as was affirmed by the knight Rodrigo Díaz, El Cid. This forceful holograph of El Cid gives meaning to the value of the adventures of this character, constituting a direct line between us and history.


The Carrion Crow

A secondary image featured on many of our materials is the medieval drawing of a carrion crow.

Camino del Cid's carrion crowCamino del Cid's carrion crow

This bird plays a very special role in the Poem of El Cid. Stanza 11 reads “Crows flew across to their right as they were leaving Vivar”.

The direction in the flight of the carrion crow was seen as an omen. For travellers, as for El Cid, the carrion crow is a symbol of good luck, that is why we decided to include it in the route. In addition, this bird is easy to spot along the length of the Way, and for many travellers it will be their faithful companion for much of their journey. The carrion crow is associated with the notion of safe conduct.

Rev. ALC: 19.10.18
