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The Cid’s oath in Santa Gadea

La cerradura de la iglesia de Santa Águeda recuerda la leyenda de la Jura de Santa Gadea / ALC

Calle Santa Águeda, 12 Burgos

One of the most famous and legendary episodes concerning El Cid “took place” at the old church of Santa Gadea. The Gothic church in its current form was built on the site of a former Romanesque church. According to tradition, El Cid forced King Alfonso VI to swear, before a group of assembled nobility, that he had no part in the treachery that led to his brother’s death. There are chronicles and romances that include a description of this episode, which is not found in El Cantar. This is the reason why the legend, which dates back to the 13th century, cannot be proven to be historically true.

Even if the legend is regarded mainly as fictitious, the memory of the episode is firmly grounded on the collective memory of the people from Castile, cast as a symbol of honour and heroic resistance in the face of arbitrary power. The curious visitor will notice that the lock of the church door includes a reference to this episode, which is explicitly commemorated in the interior of the church. At the left-hand side of the altar there is a small stained glass window containing referents to the episode.

Visits: church is open at mass times.

Rev. PAB 26.12.18

