Tall vegetation in spring, approaching Alcubilla del Marqués, Alcubilla del Marqués
After the wine-cellars of Pedraja de San Esteban, the track continues up a small hill to an electricity pylon, where the field is ploughed and it is hard to decide which is the right way. Continue alo...
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Faint path between Congostrina and Pinilla de Jadraque
The path is faint and disappears in some places, and it can be difficult to find it again because there is no clear route and the vegetation gradually blocks the way on. The signposting will be improv...
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Faint path and branches between Pinilla de Jadraque and Medranda
The faint path and the branches across it complicate the route (about 400 metres). The route goes through a thicket next to the river and in several places it is confusing where it joins the country t...
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Ploughed-up path between Torrehermosa and Monreal de Ariza
The path is lost in a ploughed field. You should continue on the right, around the field for about 70 metres, and proceed along a faint path until you join the track again after about 300 metres. Hike...
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Section of track in poor condition between Bubierca and Castejón de las Armas
Halfway between Bubierca and Castejón de las Armas, the country track has deteriorated because of the lack of use and the inaccessibility of the passes under the railway line, and therefore the...
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Deteriorated and faint section between Manchones and Daroca
About 1.8km from Manchones, the track, with a good surface, starts to deteriorate and becomes so faint that it nearly disappears. It goes round several fields and plantations of black poplars for abou...
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Faint overgrown section between Aldehuela and Castilnuevo
After 3.6km, the country track, which runs between crop fields, deteriorates and becomes faint and overgrown. You can’t lose the way, but in late spring, the vegetation makes walking difficult f...
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Faint path between Salinas de Armallá and Terzaga
After 1,120 metres, after crossing the road and leaving the complex of the salt-works, the country track deteriorates, as it goes through an area of rough ground that is flooded by the River Bullones,...
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Faint section between Megina and Chequilla
Faint footpath with route-finding problems for 600 metres. Pay special attention to the marks, and keep the valley of the River Cabrillas, which we go up, as the point of reference. Remember this whe...
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Ford across the River Mijares between La Puebla de Valverde and Valbona
The section of the footpath in the Cubillo Ravine includes fords across the Mijares and Valbona Rivers near Molino de la Puebla. There is very little flow and the river beds may be practically dry in ...
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