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Ploughed-up path between Torrehermosa and Monreal de Ariza

The path is lost in a ploughed field. You should continue on the right, around the field for about 70 metres, and proceed along a faint path until you join the track again after about 300 metres. Hikers will have no more problems than following the faint path, but MTB cyclists will need to get off their bike and walk with it carefully for about 400 metres. For them, the most practical option is: from Torrehermosa go along a rural track until you reach the Monreal de Ariza road, at the junction of the track and the road, the route turns left, but cyclists can take the road to the right. After a kilometre, a signposted track on the left rejoins the route.

Remember this when you’re on:

Rev.: JGG 18.10.22
