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Los Luna Palace, Daroca

Palacio de Los Luna, ventanas gótico mudéjares. Daroca, Zaragoza / ALC.

Calle Mayor 77 Daroca

This former noble palace is a splendid example of Mudéjar civil architecture. It owes its name to the numerous crests of this aristocratic family which decorate the inside and outside of the building.

The construction was paid for by Pedro Martínez de Luna, the antipope who was known as Benedict XIII or 'Pope Luna' at the end of the 14th century. The structure and various elements still remain from the original construction.

The floor plan is U-shaped, with a 16th-century courtyard in the centre overlooked by the numerous rooms. It has some notable Gothic plasterwork under ornamental mouldings with bows, and a projecting wooden wall.

It is on three floors. The ground floor was divided into two in modern times, but the original ceilings are preserved in good condition. The second level –the main floor– is built over an elegant wooden projecting eave, and still conserves the original rooms and Mudéjar coffered ceilings.

Source: Spain Info

Visit: Private property

Rev.: JGG 30.10.18
