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Las Quebradas in Chequilla

El Alto Tajo, en la ruta de Las Tres Taifas, alberga alucinantes monolitos modelados por la erosión, como los existentes en Chequilla, Guadalajara / ALC.

From CM-2111 road Chequilla

When they reach Chequilla by road, some surprising forms attract the attention of travellers on the Way of El Cid and invite them to stop for a moment. They are known as ‘Las Quebradas’, an amazing group of geological formations in the shape of vertical blocks or towers, sculpted out of reddish sandstone and conglomerate, which were deposited about 200 million years ago, in the Triassic, in the bed of huge river courses. They have been shaped by differential erosion that slowly sculpts the rock by seeking weakness or joints and discontinuities between the stone.

As we approach the village, we discover that these rock structures are integrated among the houses, as some buildings, like the church, made with reddish ashlars, seem to imitate the environment. We shouldn’t miss visiting the curious stone bullring located in a maze-like setting known as ‘Chequilla enchanted city’, which is reached from the road to the cemetery.

  • Access by car: the site can be reached from the road. An information board on the side of the road indicates where cars can stop and park.
  • Access for people with limited mobility: there are no infrastructures adapted for people with limited mobility.
  • Legal protection: it is inside the Natural Park of the High Tagus, the Site of Community Importance ES24240016, the Special Protection Area ES0000092 and the Molina-High Tagus Geopark.
  • Seasonality: it can be visited at any time of the year.
  • Recommendations, what to see and do: travellers must visit the village of Chequilla, where the geology of the area has left its mark in the structure of the village and its building materials.

    Rev.: PAB 10.05.23
