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Impassable ford across the River Vinalopó, in Elda


About 2 km, through the city of Elda Elda

One of the fords across the River Vinalopó between Elda and Novelda was washed away by the torrential rain in 2019.

About 2.2km from the start of the route leaving Elda next to the Petanque Centre (Maestro Eliso Verdu Street), the section should cross a ford in the River Vinalopó and continue along a good track on the other side. However, this ford across the river disappeared during the 2019 floods, which washed away the banks and changed the area considerably by leaving embankments over 3m high.

Because of this, until a permanent solution is found, a temporary option is:

  • To go back 350m from the place of the lost ford and try to go across an earlier ford where the river has not excavated the banks as badly. This option can be done in summer (when there is little flow or the river is even dry) and by making sure that the river level is low and it is possible to cross it (be very careful about flooding after storms or heavy rain). On the other side of the river, continue along the track on the left until you join the signposted route again.
  • The other option, from the start in Maestro Eliso Verdu Street, is to go back to the roundabout of Elda excursion centre where you can pick up the GR-330 footpath (Great Route of the interior Costa Blanca) and cross the bridge over the River Vinalopó. Then you can continue on the cycle lane parallel to the CV-835 road (Elda to Monovar), following the signs of the GR-330. After 1,200 metres, when you reach a roundabout, the cycle lane crosses to the other side of the road and we leave the GR-330 marks behind as it heads towards the west. Continue along the cycle lane past another roundabout and, after about 1,400 metres, you come to a third one where you should leave the cycle lane (which continues for another 400 metres until it finishes at a petrol station). Cross this roundabout carefully and go towards Lacy Industrial Estate along San Luis de Cuba Street (with a pavement). Go straight ahead past a roundabout to the end of the industrial estate, next to the Motocross circuit. Turn left (El Tope Street) and at the end of the street you can leave the industrial estate by going round the motocross circuit along a faint path full of rubble that in less than 150 metres joins the Way of El Cid, next to the River Vinalopó.

Remember this when you’re on: the Defending the South Hiking or MTB routes.

Rev.: JGG 20.10.22
