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Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente Look-Out Point, Pelegrina

Mirador de Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente en Pelegrina / Oficina de Turismo de Sigüenza (Guadalajara)

GU-118 road (Kilometre 6.6) Pelegrina

“This unique camp has been set up in the heart of Spain, in the valley of the River Dulce in the province of Guadalajara.” With those words, spoken with his charismatic voice, Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente began one of his programmes in the legendary television series “Man and the Land”, which transformed the environmental sensibility of Spanish people in the mid-1970s and earned him international fame. Over the years, Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente made the Pelegrina Gorge a natural TV studio where he filmed over eighty programmes, including some of his most famous sequences, such as a golden eagle catching a wild kid goat, or the scenes of Iberian wolves, in which he tried to destroy the myth of their negative image. After his fateful death, the people of Pelegrina raised a stone monument next to the look-out point to acknowledge his work in promoting and protecting the River Dulce Ravine.

  • Access by car: a car park is available about 20 metres from the look-out point and monument, at the side of the GU-118 road (Kilometre 6.6).
  • Access for people with limited mobility: the look-out point has a wooden platform adapted for wheelchair access and panels with information in relief and braille.
  • Legal protection: it forms part of the Natural Park of the River Dulce Ravine as well as being inside the Special Protection Area ES0000166 and the Site of Community Importance ES4240025 (River Dulce Ravine).
  • Seasonality: it can be visited all year. Recommendations, what to see and do: travellers can go to Pelegrina to enjoy a walk through the River Dulce Ravine along the Way of El Cid, and visit the Natural Park Interpretation Centre in Mandayona.

Rev.: PAB 05.05.23
