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Castillo Mayor de Daroca

Castillo Mayor.  Daroca, Zaragoza / Julio E. Fóster

After the Battle of Alcocer, El Cid defeated, according to El Cantar de Mío Cid, a Muslim army sent from Valencia, which brought him wealth. El Cid stayed at El Poyo del Cid long enough to lay under tribute the whole surrounding territory, including Daroca.

The narrative of El Cantar de Mío Cid is undocumented in history. The real El Cid of the 11th century was an important geopolitical player in the Spanish Levante region. In the year 1090, El Cid, who was in a weak position, fought the troops of the count of Barcelona, Berenguer Ramón, and of the king of the taifa of Lérida, Al Hayib, whome he vanquished at the battle of Pinar de Tévar, which took place in Castellón.

After the battle of Pinar de Tévar, El Cid entered into negotiations with the court of al-Mustaín, the King of the taifa of Zaragoza, with whom he tried to proclaim peace and friendship. Yet, El Cid had been wounded in the skirmish, which is the reason why he was detained at Daroca, where he stayed for many days. Historia Roderici or “Chronicle of Rodrigo”, El Cid remained in Daroca because there were masses of food supplies and cattle.

It was in Daroca where the Count of Barcelona and El Cid entered into an agreement whereby Berenguer Ramón ceded to El Cid the protectorate, including tributes, he had established over the kingdoms of al-Hayib: Lérida, Tortosa and Denia.

As regards the castle, it was originally an Arab alcazaba. However, it underwent considerable alterations in the 19th century. It is a very large construction (80 metres long and 30 metres wide). The square-based tower, which consists of mortar and masonry walls and has a pointed arch, presides the castle. In the area surrounding the tower, it is possible to see several parts of the old wall, which were made of masonry and mud and are in an unequal state of preservation. There is also a square-base tank. The Tower of Zoma, which is made of masonry and was another of the defensive elements of the alcazaba, is situated at a certain distance.

Visits: Free admission. Guided wall city tours are organized.

Rev. PAB 27.12.18
