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Portada del libro de viajes "In the Footsteeps of El Cid" de Ciaran Hogan.

Autor: Ciaran Hogan


Ciaran Hogan is an Australian traveller of Irish origins who has traversed on foot some of the world's long distance trails, from the Italian Alps to the Kumano Kodo trail in Japan.In 2017, he decided to make the more than 17000 kilometre flight from his home in Hobart (Tasmania) to Vivar del Cid (Burgos - Spain) in order to walk the Camino del Cid, alone over a 40 day period. As a consequence of this experience he wrote 'In the Footsteps of El Cid'.

In The Footsteps of El Cid. In electronic form only, on Amazon's Kindle eBook website. Here is the link
