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Find all the information you need to travel on the Camino del Cid route with a motor home

La Aventura de Babieca. Autocaravana

The motor home La Adventura de Babieca in Vivar del Cid, Burgos (Photo: motor home La Adventura de Babieca in Vivar del Cid, Burgos (Photo:
If you are thinking of travelling in Spain and going on the Camino del Cid route with a motor home or camper van, the webpage has added the service and parking areas on the route to its map viewer. We provide information about thirty places, all marked on the map and identified by an icon, together with data of interest to travellers, such as the number of places, cost of staying and/or spending the night, and other useful details.

All this information, which is also included in a document that you can download from the website of the route, has been prepared in collaboration with ÁreasAc, a leading website in Spain in providing this type of data.

The Camino del Cid route by road is divided into eleven thematic routes between 65 and 355 km long, connected to each other, so it is easy to adapt them and travel along them depending on the time and money available. Access here the road routes on the Camino del Cid and click here to download the complete track for motor vehicles.
