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Town Hall and Altarpiece of La Virgen del Llosar, Villafranca del Cid


Calle San Roque, 1 Villafranca del Cid / Vilafranca

The Municipal Palace, headquarters of the Oficina de Turismo and of the future Ecomuseo, is a Gothic building that has several grand rooms. First of all is the room previously occupied by the municipal offices, which conserves elements of carved wood and several large Gothic windows in the south front that have been restored. There is an assembly room with an altarpiece realised in the year 1455, by the artist Valentí Montoliu for the Santurario de la Mare de Déu del Llosar.

Source: Turismo Comunidad Valenciana        

Visit: Check schedules in Tourist Info of Villafranca del Cid

Rev.: JGG 06.11.18
