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The Tower of doña Urraca, the place where El Cid’s daughters take refuge

En el alto, bajo las antenas de telefonía y televisión, se cree se encuentran los cimientos de la Torre de Doña Urraca (Aldea de San Esteban, Soria), citada en el Cantar de mío Cid / ALC.

The Tower of doña Urraca is within 2kms of Aldea de San Esteban, on the top of the hill La Torre, which is home to TV broadcast towers Aldea de San Esteban

According to El Cantar de Mío Cid, El Cid’s daughters were escorted by their cousin, Félez Muñoz, after having been abandoned in the forest of Corpes. Félez Muñoz gave his cousins affectionate service, bringing them proper dress and proper escort and bearing them on his horse until reaching the Tower of doña Urraca. He then went to San Esteban de Gormaz to seek help. There are versions of this episode that indicate that the tower of doña Urraca was situated on a high area, in close proximity to Aldea de San Esteban, and that this site is now the home to TV broadcast towers and telephone networks.

Rev. PAB 27.12.18