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Road with heavy traffic on the way out of Alcolea del Pinar


At the junction with the N-211 at the exit of Alcolea Alcolea del Pinar

The route from Alcolea del Pinar towards Garbajosa begins with a stretch of road 1.6km long with a wide hard-shoulder and speed limit of 60 kph, but with heavy traffic where walkers and cyclists should be extremely careful.

The first part (900 metres) is not a problem as it follows the C-114 road from Alcolea to the junction with the N-211. There, we should turn left on to the N-211 towards Teruel. This crosses over the A-2 as far as a roundabout after less than 700 metres. This section includes the exit lane from the A-2 that connects with the N-211. Although the speed limit is 60 or 40kph, the traffic is heavy and vehicles exceed the limits.

This stretch affects cyclists and hikers differently.

  • Hikers going to Garbajosa should follow the hard-shoulder on the left until they leave the roundabout along the path on the left leading to Garbajosa. Hikers coming in the opposite direction, towards Alcolea del Pinar cannot go on the left of the road because it is very dangerous to cross the A-2 exit lane and the junction with the N-211 does not have a hard-shoulder at that point. Therefore, hikers from Garbajosa to Alcolea should for once walk on the right for the first 700 metres, from the roundabout, where they first meet the road, to the junction with the C-114. Remember the recommendations of the Traffic Authorities: wear a high visibility jacket or any other light-coloured clothing.
  • Cyclists (cycling tourists and MTB) also leave Alcolea on the C-114 and take the N-211 to cross the bridge over the motorway. They should then be very careful because the hard-shoulder disappears at the junction with the exit lane from the A-2. Be very careful at this junction; at the moment there is no other alternative.

Remember this when you’re on: the Borderlands route, on MTB or cycling tourism bikes or hiking.

Rev.: JGG 20.10.22
