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Motorhome Area Berlanga de Duero


Motorhomes & Campervans Service Areas and Parkings


Warning. This text has been translated with the help of automated translation software. It will be replaced by a professional human translation as soon as possible. We are sorry for the inconvenience.


It is located between the soccer field and the hostel. Next to it there are several tables, a fountain and a small playground.

It has a light point that works with a token whose cost is €2, which is purchased at the tourist office, for a use of 3kw. Tourist office telephone number 975 343 433.

Rev.: JGG 04.09.23

Los datos que aquí se recogen han sido aportados por los establecimientos: son ellos, y no el Consorcio, quienes se responsabilizan de la exactitud de los mismos.

