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Hotel * Venta El Borrego. Banyeres de Mariola, Alicante


Bars, restaurants and social centre (-1000 pop.)


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The Hotel Venta El Borrego is located about 5 km from Banyeres de Mariola. We have 10 rooms with bathroom. We have free wifi and nightly laundry service. We do not allow pets. We have a small room with TV, microwave, games. The parking is closed and only for the hotel. Flexibility in arrival and departure time.

Specific services for travelers: We offer dinners and breakfasts adapted to the schedules of hikers and cyclists, and we prepare sandwiches or lunches for travellers.

Specific services for cyclists: We accept bicycles. We have a safe and closed place to store them, as well as an adequate space to clean it with a hose. Free access to a space to fix or adjust the bicycle with a basic tool kit. If you need it, you can buy products and spare parts for your bike (patches, tubes, etc.).

Rev.: JGG 03.11.22