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Hotel **** Las Retajas. Medinaceli, Soria



Club de producto:



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The Hotel Posada Las Retajas is located in the town of Medinaceli, in Soria. We have 6 rooms with bathroom, a total of 14 beds. We have free wifi, we do not allow pets.

Specific services for travelers: We offer dinners and breakfasts adapted to the schedules of hikers and cyclists and we prepare sandwiches or lunches for travelers.

Specific services for cyclists: We accept bicycles and have a safe and locked place to store them.

Rev.: JGG 22.06.23

Los datos que aquí se recogen han sido aportados por los establecimientos: son ellos, y no el Consorcio, quienes se responsabilizan de la exactitud de los mismos.

