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Historical-Artistic Centre of Alzira

Murallas de Alzira, de origen islámico / València Terra i Mar.

Calle San Roque, 6 Alzira

Alzira lies at the feet of the Sierras of Murta and Agulles, in the heart of the Upper Júcar region. When travellers on the Way of El Cid arrive, they find a town with wide avenues, high buildings and large squares with green areas; these then give way to the old town, with a more disorganised layout and cobbled streets. This area, the location of the medieval town, is called the Vila, and can be described as a village inside a town.

Alzira is especially important symbolically for the people of Valencia, as it was the place of death of James I, the king who conquered these lands from the Muslims in the 13th century and constructed the kingdom of Valencia. 

Further information in the fact-file on Alzira.

Rev.: JGG 18.10.22
