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High uneven road with traffic and little shoulder between Ontinyent and Bocairent


CV 81 entre Ontinyent y Bocairent Ontinyent

This road connects two outstanding towns on the Way of El Cid in the Province of Valencia, both listed as historical-artistic centres: Ontinyent and Bocairent. It starts in Pou Clair, a very attractive natural pool between rocks used for bathing, along a winding road between limestone escarpments that steadily climbs through the Sierra de Mariola, an important rich ecosystem with mixed oak forests. The scenery is lovely, but the road is hard for cycling tourists, especially if they have panniers.

Although the surface is good and there is a hard shoulder (very narrow in some places), care must be taken because the road takes a lot of traffic. Despite this, the road is curiously often used by cyclists.

Distance: 7km

Rev.: JGG 14.12.21
