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Hermitage of San Miguel de Gormaz


Real street. Gormaz. 42313 Soria. Gormaz

This hermitage is located at the foot of the castle of Gormaz. In the inside we can still see some remains from 12th-century frescos which are very valuable artistically speaking and quite similar to the ones that can be found in the nearest hermitage of San Baudelio in Berlanga.

Possibly constructed onto the ruins of an ancient visigothic temple, it was built between the XI and XII centuries, after the conquest of the territory by king Ferdinand I.

It conserves a great simplicity and austerity outside on the walls of the hermitage, where some inscriptions and reliefs, probably from ancient Roman and Visigoth constructions, have been kept. The main attraction of the hermitage are the wall paintings, in the inside. They were made with the technique of fresco and tempera, regarding biblical and military themes.

As a curiosity, the floor of the temple is carved on the natural rock and the base of the walls is crossed by a perimeter bancal, also excavated in the rock.

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ALB: 10.08.18