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Castle of El Puig


Camí Baixada Muntanya la Pa, 2 El Puig

As it is true for the castles of Peña Cadiella or Carbonera, which are situated in between Otos and Beniatjar, the castle of El Puig is a symbolic castle along The Way of El Cid. It is situated on a hilltop that presides over the city and the coast and it is also known as castle of Yubayla, Cebolla or Enesa.

In November 1092, following the murder of al-Qadir, who had reigned Valencia and protected El Cid, Rodrigo attacked Yubayla, whose people surrended in June 1093. Yubayla became from then onwards a very important plaza for Rodrigo, to the point that he used it as his base. He used it to launch raids, consolidating thereby his protectorate. He also plundered the orchards of Valencia for the purpose of weakening the city’s power.

While he asked for the castle of Yubayla to be strengthened, El Cid gave orders for a town to be built in the area surrounding the castle, establishing thereby El Puig. After El Cid’s death, the castle was taken by the Almoravids. In 1237, James I the Conqueror conquered both the town and the castle before initiating his final campaign to take Valencia. From then onwards, various owners have entertained royalty at the castle, which has also undergone numerous alteration processes. The castle was completely destroyed in 1365 by King Pedro IV of Aragón.

In El Cantar de Mío Cid there are also references to El Puig: after having taken the town of Sagunto, El Cid won a pitched battle against an army sent by the emir of Valencia. After that, El Cid was able to take towns further south, reaching Valencia.

The castle is in ruins, though important archeological conservation work has been carried out lately. The castle was built in the style of Islamic fortresses: it consisted of a walled enclosure with three square-based towers, which in some cases were rectangular. The most outstanding remains at present are the remains of the old Torre del Homenaje.

Rev. PAB 27.12.18
