The Castle of La Alquería, Montanejos
The Arabian civilization left more vestiges in this municipality than any other civilization; among them, one can find the remains of the castle and several watchtowers. The castle rests on the top of...
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San Francisco Convent
The layout of the convent is characteristic of all Franciscan monasteries. The three most important rooms within the convent are the cloister, the church and the chapter house. The square-based cloist...
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Santa María La Mayor Archpriestal Church, Morella
Dating back to the thirteenth century with a number of different architectural styles. Building began in 1265 and lasted until 1343. It has three naves with a further three apses. The choir is from t...
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Town hall of Morella
Morella town hall lies in a building that was built between 1360 and 1420. In the 15th century the building was made up of two large bodies. The first two-floor Medieval body housed the market and Con...
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Castle of Morella
The fortress, which adapts to the contours of the terrain, is perched on a hill top, affording tremendous views in every direction: both the town of Morella and the region of Els Ports. It was a Musli...
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Morella Defensive Walls
Walled enclosure from the 14th century. It has a series of towers and gateways. The walls actually date back to the 14th century. The most important part of the wall was built during the reign of Ped...
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The good people of San Esteban
According to the Song of el Cid, on the eighth day of the exile the Cid passed through San Esteban without entering the city. Six years later, by then the Cid had conquered Valencia, his daughters ent...
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Alcubilla, at the edge of Castile
According to El Cantar, El Cid crossed through Alcubilla, “at the edge of Castile”, on the eighth day of exile. That is to say, Alcubilla, where there used to be a fortress on the top of i...
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The watchtower of Navapalos
El Cantar relates that El Cid crossed over the river Duero at Navapalos on the eighth day of exile and made camp for the night. At Navapalos new men came in. After nightfall, El Cid lay down there, an...
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Caliphal castle or fortress of Gormaz
The castle of Gormaz is an impressive Caliphal Islamic fortress built in the 9th century and greatly reinforced and enlarged in the time of Al-Haquem II, at the end of the 10th century. It was an...
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